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Humidity Chamber

Active humidity control creates a controlled environment for accelerated life tests and 85/85 tests.

This climate chamber offers the full range of comfort, reliability, and safety. It has active humidity control set from 20 % to 95 % rh and an unsurpassed homogeneity of temperature and humidity over the entire interior. It is suited for environmental testing, environmental simulation, accelerated service life tests, and 85/85 tests according to IEC 60068-2-67 and IEC 60068-2-78.

  • Temperature range up to +90 °C
  • 4 model sizes (56 to 241 litres volume)
  • 1 model variant: TwinDISPLAY
  • Active humidity control 20 to 95 % rh
  • Double doors as standard:
  • 1. Prevention of contamination
  • 2. Prevention of drops or rises in temperature
  • 3. An optimal view of the sensitive chamber load through wide-area heated inner glass door

Unique Advantages

  • intuitive and easy-to-use operating menu
  • Heating concept specifically adapted for a precise and homogenous temperature control
  • A wide range of options for programming and documentation of different temperature/humidity profiles via Software AtmoCONTROL
  • Alarm functions, three-fold overtemperature protection and simultaneous display of all parameters provide safety for samples and cell cultures
  • almost exclusive use of high-quality and easily cleanable stainless steel for the working chamber and housing

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