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PCRD Nucleic Acid Detection

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Lateral Flow Assay

Abingdon Health manufactures nucleic acid lateral flow immunoassays (NALIFA), called PCRD, which can be used as an alternative to using DNA agarose gel electrophoresis.

Taking only 10 minutes to detect the successful amplification of target DNA sequences PCRD is the choice for busy laboratories wanting fast results.

What is PCRD Nucleic Acid Detection?
PCRD Nucleic acid lateral flow assays are qualitative rapid assays designed to detect amplicons labelled with DIG/Biotin and/or FITC (or FAM)/Biotin, with the addition of a control line. PCRD is a rapid, safe and sensitive way to confirm the successful outcome of a DNA amplification exercise. The lateral flow test strips incorporate reagents which sequentially capture and allow the visualisation of double-stranded amplification products containing selected binding partners. This simple method of amplicon detection takes only 10 minutes, and the result is detectable by eye due to an aggregation of carbon particles at the capture lines. PCRD is a rapid, safe and sensitive alternative to ethidium bromide staining of agarose gels

Advantages of using PCRD

  • Safe to use – avoids using intercalating dye and UV light
  • No special chemistry or equipment required
  • Time to result of 10 minutes
  • Easy to use
  • High sensitivity
  • Many strips can be run simultaneously
  • Cost effective

Compatible amplification methods

Abingdon Health’s assays can be used in conjunction with the following amplification methods*:

  • Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
  • Loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)
  • Recombinase Polymerase Amplification (RPA)
  • Helicase dependent amplification (HDA).

*Please note that operating protocols may differ between each method.


  • Meat speciation testing
  • Food and drink authenticity
  • Rapid disease detection – veterinary, human and plant amongst others