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Home  /  Flame Photometers  /  360

Flame Photometer

5-element single channel analogue flame photometer. Ergonomic design with front loading, unobstructed sample work area, with removable tray for easy cleaning.

Five filters for Sodium, Potassium, Lithium, Calcium and Barium are supplied as standard. This is a single channel unit providing analysis of one element at a time in a competitively priced build design. The model 360 is available in three formats; 360 Nat Gas for use with low pressure Natural Gas supplies, 360I for use with Propane/Butane/LPG and 360C with linearised Sodium response, for use with Propane/Butane/LPG.


Measurement range Na Serum: 110 to 170 mmol/l
Na Urine 0 to 200 mmol/l
K Serum 0 to 10.0 mmol/l
K Urine 0 to 200 mmol/l
Li Serum 0 to 3.0 mmol/l
Reproducibility Na (140 mmol/l) better than 1.5% CV
K (5 mmol/l) better than 1.5% CV
K (80 mmol/l) better than 1.5% CV
Li better than 2.5% CV
Linearity Na Serum: within ± 2 mmol/l
Na Urine within ± 4 mmol/l
K Serum ‹ ± 0.2 mmol/l
K Urine ‹ ± 2 mmol/l
Li Serum ‹ ± 0.2 mmol/l
Dilution Na Serum/Urine: 1 in 200 with de-ionised water
K Serum: in 200 with de-ionised water
K Urine: 1 in 1000 with de-ionised water
Li Serum 1 in 50 with de-ionised water


  • Five element (Na, K, Li, Ca, Ba)
  • Single channel Analogue Flame Photometer
  • Ergonomic design with front loading, unobstructed sample work area, with removable tray for easy cleaning
  • With ease of use resulting from auto ignition and flame optimisation.
  • Peak picker for presenting unambiguous readings
  • With selected filter indicator
  • Safety features including fail safe flame detection and shut off, with low air pressure indicator
  • High sensitivity with fine manual control of air, and stable flame design
  • And ease of maintenance and storageSeparate pneumatic and electronic pods
  • Small footprint (20 x 30cm)
  • Easy to remove and clean filter stick