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Microtiter Plate Assays

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Lubi Microplate Luminometer

LuBi is a Microplate Luminometer that detects lights from chemiluminescent reaction within samples, and measures the quantity of specific gene (DNA, RNA).

RT-2100C MTP reader

The RT-2100C is a fully automated stand-alone 8-channel photometer for reading 96-well plates. Easy to operate by LCD display with touch screen. Complete device for measuring the results of ELISA and microbiological studies.


Specially designed for medical, biological and pharmaceutical research and development institutions to meet the needs of various drug development and life science research.


The LT-4500 is a high performance visible microplate absorbance reader supplied as standard with FDA 21 CFR part 11 compliant LT-com PC software. Complete device for measuring the results of ELISA and microbiological studies.

HiPo MPP-96

Microplate Photometer HiPo MPP-96 is a compact tabletop device for measuring the results of ELISA and microbiological studies in 96-well microplates.

Inteliwasher 3D-IW8

Inteliwasher 3D-IW8 series microplate washer is designed for washing various types of standard 96-well microtitre plates, microstrips as well as microarrays on FastFRAME (rectangular well shape).


Designed for immunoassays and provides adjustable mixing of reagents in microplates. The device ensures smooth movement even at low speeds.


Plate Thermo–Shaker designed for shaking and thermostating 2 standard 96–well microplates. 3 devices: incubator, microplate shaker, thermo–shaker.


Single fluorescence microplate reader. Its high-quality optical path design makes it have excellent optical performance.

Feyond L-100

Feyond-L100 is a compact and powerful luminescence microplate reader. It can provide a variety of microplate readings, and the fast reading speed combined with the automatic injector can effectively improve your work efficiency.