Wilten Instruments has a wide range of instruments. Because of the variety of options on some products we are not able to mention all of them on our website. Complete information is available on demand.
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pH meters

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Multi 3620

The WTW MultiLine® Multi 3620 IDS Multi-Parameter Portable Meter can solve multiple measuring tasks at once to save time and costs.

PH 7110 Benchtop

The WTW inoLab® pH 7110 Benchtop Meter is highly suitable for routine measurements in the lab, where automatic documentation is not a priority.

PH 3110

The WTW pH 3110 is the right choice for all who are looking for a simple meter for portable pH measurements.

AD 1020

Professional Multi-Parameter pH / ORP / ISE / Temp. Bench Meter with RS232 / USB interface & GLP

AD 130

Professional Multi-Parameter Splash-Proof Portable Meter. pH / ORP / Temp.

Due to the extensive range of meters, it is not possible to mention them all on our website. Are you looking for a specific meter or do you need help finding the right one? Contact us, we can certainly help you.