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AquaPi +

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Compact, computer controlled tensiometer

The Kibron AquaPi Plus is a compact, computer controlled tensiometer focused on surface tension measurements. The AquaPi Plus is powered through the USB port of a computer or tablet.

You can measure surface tension easily and rapidly, practically anywhere: in the field and in the laboratory, in the classroom, in oil refineries, dairies, water purification plants, chrome plating plants, in vegetable safety assessment, to mention just a few examples. AquaPi Plus- accurate and fast surface tension measurements.


Measuring range 10-100 mN/m
Accuracy/sensitivity 0.1mN/m
Sample cup material Polypropylene
Average time per measurement Around 30 seconds


  • Single-use sample cups (3 mL) reduce contamination risk
  • Powered through the USB connection
  • User friendly software with real-time data acquisition
  • Both maximum pull force and Wilhelmy techniques are available. The former is fast with high reproducibility, while the latter is well suited for viscous samples.