Wilten Instruments has a wide range of instruments. Because of the variety of options on some products we are not able to mention all of them on our website. Complete information is available on demand.
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Universal Oven

Precise drying, heating, ageing, burn-in and hardening in research, science, industry and quality assurance.

The universally applicable lab oven U is Memmert’s classic appliance for temperature control in science, research and material tests in industry. The technologically perfected masterpiece made of high-quality, hygienic, easy-to-clean stainless steel leaves nothing to be desired in terms of ventilation and control technology, overtemperature protection and precisely tuned heating technology.


Working temperature range at least 5 (UN/UNplus/UNm/UNmplus) or 10 (UF/UFplus/UFm/UFmplus) above ambient temperature to +300 °C
Setting accuracy temperature up to 99.9 °C: 0.1 / from 100 °C: 0.5
Setting temperature range +20 to +300 °C
Temperature sensor 1 Pt100 sensor DIN class A in 4-wire-circuit
Dimensions 400 x 320 x 250 mm
Volume 32 litre

Lab oven for universal use

Whatever you want to perform: material tests, ageing of computer chips, run complex experiments with highly sensitive loads, drying or tempering electronic components, hardening plastic resin or heating plasticine. The Memmert U universal heating oven / drying oven stands for unparalleled precise, even and gentle temperature control.

• Temperature range up to +300 °C
• 9 model sizes (32 to 1060 litres volume)
• 2 model variants: SingleDISPLAY and TwinDISPLAY
• Natural convection or forced air circulation N/F

Due to the extensive range of ovens, it is not possible to mention them all on our website. Are you looking for a specific oven or do you need help finding the right oven? Contact us, we can certainly help you.