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Home  /  Water Purification  /  Fusion


For clinical laboratory water. Type I / Ultrapure water (UPW) water

The Purite Fusion is a self-contained water purification unit that delivers a flow of purified water to a consistent quality of 18MΩ.cm. It is ideal for the most demanding laboratory processes including life sciences, such as histology, cell and tissue culture, DNA sequencing and IVF.

  • Advanced water purification technology
  • Guaranteed water quality to 18MΩ.cm
  • Easy to set up and simple to use
  • ECO version with up to 50% water recovery
  • Wi-Fi connectivity
Treated water specification High Purity Dispense Purified Water Storage Tank
Inorganics up to 18.2MΩ.cm > 1MΩ.cm
pH1 Neutral
Bacteria < 0.1cfu/ml
Organics – TOC (ppb) < 5 < 50
Particles 0.005µm
Endotoxins < 0.001EU/ml
DNases < 4pg/µl
RNases < 0.01ng/ml
Dispense modes Latched – hold – volumetric
Dispense flow rate up to 2.0 l/min
1pH of stored water may decrease due to absorption of free carbon dioxide

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